Re-branding to Un-brand
For a while, I have been contemplating changing the name of my business. As much as I have loved Letters from a Sage, the concept of letter writing began to feel more constricting than freeing. Yes, I am here to help you write love letters and thank you notes, but I also make custom artwork and stationery. I might host workshops one day. I might offer creative coaching. I might open my own storefront one day. The options are endless. And so, I wanted a name that opened up those opportunities, rather than limited them.
I love Sage’s Studio because it isn’t a brand name. It’s a place. It’s the place from where all my creative work comes - whether it be artwork, writing, performance, or building creative community. And it’s also a spirit - of wisdom, of the natural world, of infusing who I am into everything I make. It gives me room to breathe.
Often in business, you are told to narrow yourself down. Hone in on one thing, get really good at it. Discard other options, interests, talents. Monocrop your product so you can massproduce it. And while that might have value in conventional agriculture and certain creative pursuits, I want my work to be more of a wildflower garden. Where the weeds support the soil that supports the seeds I’m planting. Where everything is part of the process. Where my writing is not taking away from my painting, but actually nourishing it, and vice versa. Where going on a walk and gathering inspiration is just as important as sitting down to work. And where everything grows in its own time.
For years, I thought I had to decide - am I an artist? Or am I a writer? Am I this or am I that? But with Sage’s Studios, I am actively choosing not to decide. To let all of my talents and interests be in support of my growth. Because that is the space that I want to create from, and the space I want to inspire you to live in.
Welcome to Sage’s Studio, featuring artwork, writing and creative community by Sage Dallmus. Rooted in a sense of place and personal wisdom. Here to help you grow your own.